Why 3,000+ Agents Use Textdrip

Why Are Over 3,000+ Agents Using This One Platform for SMS Marketing?


11 October 2022


Dhaval Gajjar

In today's world of instant gratification, it is no longer enough to just send out an email or hand-deliver some brochures.

With the rise in popularity and accessibility to texting and social media platforms like Facebook Messenger (or WhatsApp), people are increasingly turning their attention away from traditional methods for lead outreach such as snail mail letters which can take up weeks before a lead receives your message, or emails which are likely to be left on "unread"! It’s time to freshen up your approach! 

With the fast-paced world of sales and most people being busy nowadays, agents are turning to a much more immediate form of communication: texting… and it's getting some pretty darn good results! It’s quickly taking the business world by storm.

Did you know that SMS marketing can be an incredible asset to your business? More and more businesses are starting to use SMS marketing to reach their target audiences, and there are plenty of good reasons why.

SMS marketing is a form of mobile marketing that allows businesses to send promotional or transactional messages to customers through text messaging. SMS marketing can be an incredibly effective way to reach your target audience, as it has a high open rate and click-through rate. Studies have shown that SMS messages have an open rate of nearly 98% and a click-through rate of over 80%.

That’s a pretty impressive response rate, especially when you compare it to other marketing channels. For example, emails have an average open rate of around 20-30% and a click-through rate of around 3%. This means that SMS messages are more than three times as likely to be opened, and more than twenty times as likely to be clicked on.

In sales, numbers mean a lot. If you have 3,000 leads and your email marketing campaign has a 3% conversion rate, you’ll end up with 90 sales. But if your SMS marketing campaign has a 9% conversion rate, you’ll end up with 270 sales. That’s a major difference.

So what does this all mean for your business? It means that if you’re not already using SMS marketing, you should definitely consider it.

Why Use SMS Marketing?

Here are five reasons why SMS marketing can be an asset to your business:

1. You’ll Reach a wider audience

One of the best things about SMS marketing is that it allows you to reach a wider audience than other marketing channels. This is because nearly everyone has a cell phone, and most people have their cell phones with them at all times. This means that you can reach your target audience no matter where they are or what they’re doing.

2. It’s Personalized

Another great thing about SMS marketing is that it’s highly personalized. You can send messages to specific groups of people, or even to individual customers. This allows you to tailor your messages to each customer, which can make them more effective.

3. It’s Immediate

SMS marketing is also a great choice if you need to reach your audience quickly. This is because text messages are typically read within minutes of being received. So if you need to send out a last-minute promotion or sale, SMS marketing is a great option.

4. It’s Cost-Effective

SMS marketing is also an incredibly cost-effective option, especially when compared to other marketing channels. This is because it doesn’t require any special equipment or software, and there are no printing costs. You can also send messages to as many people as you want without incurring any additional charges.

If you’re looking for a way to reach your target audience and promote your business, SMS marketing is a great option. It’s highly effective, personal, immediate, and cost-effective. So why not give it a try? You might be surprised at the results.

5. It's easy to set up and track

SMS marketing is relatively easy to set up and track, which makes it a great option for businesses of all sizes.

What Makes SMS Marketing so Effective?

An effective platform. Having the right platform to support your SMS marketing is critical for success. It's almost like buying a car, in the sense that a Ferrari is going to perform much better than a Pinto. The same goes for an SMS marketing platform - you need one that is reliable, easy to use, and packed with features. Not all platforms are created equal.

Textdrip.com is the go-to platform for over 3,000+ agents, and that number is growing steadily every day. It's not just a fluke. Agents are flocking to this platform because it's the best out there and the results speak for themselves.

Here's why over 3,000 agents are using this ONE platform:

Textdrip.com is reliable

You can count on the platform to deliver your messages on time, every time. Textdrip.com has the absolute best deliverability on the market!

That's right, the absolute best and that is the number one reason why agents are having so much success with this platform. The deliverability and functionality of the platform along with an expert team, helps to ensure your messages get the highest deliverability possible.

It's easy to use

The platform is designed with simplicity in mind, so you don't need any tech skills to get started. To make it even better, when you sign you are provided with live one-on-one training to get you set up right away. With live customer support available 7 days per week, you never have to worry about being left in the dark.

It's packed with features

The platform comes loaded with features that allow you to automate your marketing, so you can focus on selling. From automated messages to detailed tracking, Textdrip.com has everything you need to run a successful SMS marketing campaign.

Easily syncs with CRM

Textdrip.com has the ability to integrate seamlessly with your existing CRM, so you can automatically add contacts, send mass texts, and track results - all without having to leave your CRM.

Ensure Compliance

Textdrip.com takes the guesswork out of compliance by providing you with the tools you need to maintain compliance. From 10DLC to TCPA, you never have to worry. With a dedicated team of experts, they are up-to-date on the latest regulations, so you can rest assured that you have what you need to operate without fear of being non-compliant.

The ability to track results

One of the best things about SMS marketing is that it’s easy to track results. This means that you can track the delivery status of every single message just moments after you send it. This information is valuable, as it allows you to adjust your strategy and ensure that your campaigns are as effective as possible.

Textdrip on the go

The Textdrip App allows you to take your business with you on the go and get live notifications whenever a lead reaches out to you. You'll never have to worry about missing a notification again.

A wide range of features

SMS marketing platforms come with a wide range of features, which can be extremely helpful in making your campaigns more effective. For example, some platforms allow you to automate your messages, so you don’t have to manually send each one.

Others come with detailed tracking, so you can see exactly how your campaigns are performing. Still, others come with integrations, so you can automatically add contacts or send mass texts without having to leave your CRM.

Textdrip.com has all of these features and more, which is why it’s the best SMS marketing platform around.

Still not convinced? Take a look at what some of our happy customers have to say:

"This app is a game changer. Its changed my total business experience I'm now able to chat with clients without having to give up my personal cell. it very well made and easy to use. Very little bugs and when there are bugs the company resolves the problem quick." - Jack Resendiz


"Textdrip ensures that I do not miss out on follow-ups, and makes sure that I send out my day 1, 2 and 3. It also integrates information from my CRM which allows me to send out texts with just the click of a button. Definitely worth the investment!" - Zuderman Zuuker


"I recommend Textdrip to anyone trying to grow their business, and reach new clients! It is by far the best platform that I have used, and the customer support is the best out of any platform or company I have ever dealt with!" - Willie Rogers

Final Words

The best part about it? It doesn't just stop with Textdrip.com. Textdrip has more platforms to offer to help automate your business even further and get the best results. Check out  Argos Automation, Landline Remover, and Textdrip AI and see how these platforms can help your business reach new heights.

Click here to get started today! Book a free demo, and see why so many agents are raving about it. If you like what you see, we'll even give you a free 7-day trial to try it out for yourself. No strings attached.

To learn more about how SMS marketing can help your business book a free demo here with our customer success team.

SMS marketing can be a great way to reach your target market and boost your sales. If you're not using SMS marketing, now is the time to start!

Dhaval Gajjar

As the CTO of Textdrip, Dhaval leads the product development team and is determined to bring innovation through Textdrip products. Read More

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