
Multiple Numbers

Scale your SMS marketing and outreach effort by purchasing multiple numbers from your Textdrip account to boost your lead nurturing and conversion opportunities.

What is the Multi-Numbers Feature?

The multi-number feature allows you to purchase multiple numbers within a single account for scaling and improving your SMS outreach and engagement efforts.

Textdrip enables you to purchase multiple numbers through its Multi-Number functionality to enhance your SMS marketing game and reach more customers at a nominal charge.


Benefits of Multi-Numbers Feature

Multi-Numbers provides you with the flexibility to add multiple 10-digit numbers to your account and offers you the following benefits:

Scale Your Outreach

With multiple numbers at your fingertips, you can easily scale your SMS marketing and outreach efforts for better targeting.

Improve Results

By better targeting through multi-numbers, you can improve the overall effectiveness & bottom line of your business.

Distribute the Workload

Distribute your workload of sending mass text messages from a single to multiple numbers for higher deliverability.

Why Use Textdrip for Multi-Number Feature

Let’s see why use Textdrip for SMS marketing with the Multi-Number feature:



Textdrip is a 10 DLC-COMPLIANT tool with features that help improve your messaging ecosystem, increase SMS deliverability, reduce spam, and enhance security.

Use Cases of Multi-Number Feature

The multi-number feature opens up an array of use cases for businesses to customize and tailor their communications across diverse scenarios. Here are a few:

Re-Engage Inactive Leads

One of the best uses of multiple numbers is to re-ignite the interest in the inactive leads to encourage them to re-engage with your brand through targeted campaigns.

Multiple Numbers, Different Roles

Allocate different roles to your multiple numbers e.g. use primary number for promotions, and other numbers for offering customer support or sending transaction texts.

Segmented Messaging

Import new leads to different numbers for effective segmentation based on predefined criteria. This allows you to send targeted messages that resonate with your audience.

Location-Based Messaging

Businesses serving users in multiple USA states can deploy different numbers to different locations to send more relevant messages and personalize users’ experiences.


1. How much does it cost to purchase multiple numbers?
Adding multiple numbers to your account costs around $0.5 per number per month.

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