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    What is SMS Marketing for Insurance Companies?


    Insurance SMS marketing is the use of SMS channel to promote insurance services, nurture leads, provide customer service, generate sales opportunities, and do more things. Companies are turning to SMS marketing automation for insurance to reach new prospects and compel them to take action.


    Textdrip is an SMS automation software that insurance agents and companies can leverage to automate and expedite their client communication. We help you stay at the forefront of SMS insurance marketing and nurture leads to generate sales opportunities.

    A Powerful Tool with Powerful SMS Marketing Features

    Textdrip includes several powerful features that supercharge your SMS marketing and build fruitful customer relations. Have a look:

    Import Unlimited Contacts
    Import Unlimited Contacts
    Bulk Texting
    Bulk Texting
    SMS Automation
    SMS Automation
    Unlimited Drip Campaigns
    Unlimited Drip Campaigns
    DNC Check
    DNC Check

    Starting from Just

    $ 19.99

    Per Month Per User

    How Textdrip Streamlines Your Insurance Lead Generation

    Textdrip helps you cut through the traditional ways of communication to connect with your leads for their insurance needs using the automation features our platform offers for SMS automation.

    Versatile SMS Automation Tool

    Textdrip is an all-in-one SMS automation solution that all types of insurance companies can use for various purposes.

    • Send updates for property insurance coverage
    • Assist in selecting the best life insurance plan
    • Send receipts for health and other insurance premiums

    Send Meeting & Payment Details

    Companies can use text messaging for insurance to set up meetings or send payment links to clients about their upcoming premiums.

    • Share upcoming payment & meeting information
    • Include links for meeting & premium payments
    • Send quick reminders of insurance expiry

    Offer Customer Service

    Another use case of SMS marketing for insurance agents is to provide customer support and service instead of redirecting them to the chatbot.

    • Answer user questions quickly
    • Fast resolution of customer concerns
    • Send insurance policies as MMS attachments

    Add-ons for SMS Automation

    We also offer some important add-on functionalities that help you enhance your customer communications.

    • DNC checking tool to remove landline & invalid contacts
    • AI-based paraphrasing & text generator tools
    • GPT add-on for human-guided conversations


    Textdrip is designed to comply with 10 DLC regulations and includes features that improve the messaging ecosystem, increase deliverability, reduce spam, and enhance security.

    Sample Insurance SMS Marketing Templates

    Here we are providing you with some sample insurance text marketing templates to try. Start free now or book a demo with us to experience the magic of insurance SMS automation.

    Introduction Texts

    Hello {First name}, I am [your name], and I am assigned to manage your account. I am excited to meet you on [date&time]. To confirm, respond with a ‘YES,’ or to reschedule, please let me know. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

    Reminder Texts

    Hey {First name}, I’m [your name] from [firm name]. I wanted to remind you about our scheduled meeting today at [time]. Here are the directions to my office: [link]. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

    Sending Payment Info

    Hi {First name}, this is to inform you that your payment of $$$ for this month is due. Kindly submit the payment before [due date], by going through [link] to avoid any issues. Feel free to call or text us. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

    Notifying Policy Change

    Hi {First name}, this is to inform you about the updates in our policy terms that you must comply with. Review the changes here: bit.ly/policy. [Your company name]. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

    Asking Details/Documents

    Hey {First name}, glad to have met you today. As discussed, please provide the details & documents required to finalize your insurance coverage. Send your details to: [Email ID]. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

    Ask Referrals

    Hello {First name}, know someone who needs insurance services? Ask them to text NEED INSURANCE to [number] with your name at the end to receive rewards. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

    Introduction Texts

    Hello {First name}, I am [your name], and I am assigned to manage your account. I am excited to meet you on [date&time]. To confirm, respond with a ‘YES,’ or to reschedule, please let me know. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

    Reminder Texts

    Hey {First name}, I’m [your name] from [firm name]. I wanted to remind you about our scheduled meeting today at [time]. Here are the directions to my office: [link]. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

    Sending Payment Info

    Hi {First name}, this is to inform you that your payment of $$$ for this month is due. Kindly submit the payment before [due date], by going through [link] to avoid any issues. Feel free to call or text us. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

    Notifying Policy Change

    Hi {First name}, this is to inform you about the updates in our policy terms that you must comply with. Review the changes here: bit.ly/policy. [Your company name]. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

    Asking Details/Documents

    Hey {First name}, glad to have met you today. As discussed, please provide the details & documents required to finalize your insurance coverage. Send your details to: [Email ID]. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

    Ask Referrals

    Hello {First name}, know someone who needs insurance services? Ask them to text NEED INSURANCE to [number] with your name at the end to receive rewards. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.


    Yes, text message marketing is legal as long as insurance agents follow the compliance guidelines and text marketing laws. If you break these laws, you could face fines or lawsuits and the deactivation of your SMS account. This could potentially harm your brand and your reputation in the eyes of your customers and they may not trust you for any consultation, affecting your sales and revenue.

    SMS marketing for insurance agents can be an effective way to nurture your prospects and generate new sales opportunities. Using Textdrip, you can create SMS campaigns, follow up on past sales, send reminders to increase show-up rate, request documents and details, provide customer service, and do much more.

    Text message marketing for insurance offers several benefits. First, it’s a cost-effective way to reach your customers and compel them to engage with your brand. Text messages are delivered quickly, helping you to reach wider demographics. Moreover, it has a high open and response rate, which helps in achieving high engagement and interaction from your customers.

    SMS marketing for insurance offers a distinct advantage over email marketing thanks to its immediate delivery, high open & engagement rate, mobile-friendliness, short & concise messaging, opt-in/opt-out compliance, and others. Moreover, SMS is a more personal channel than email but when used together both channels can provide you with higher ROI.

    Key Facts About Textdrip

    No. of Clients


    No. of Clients

    Years of Experience


    Years of Experience

    Overall Rating


    Overall Rating

    Client Success Ratio


    Client Success Ratio